The less people are experienced in marketing, the more they want to have a say in marketing. Because they believe their “intuition” rocks? Well, their intuition doesn’t rock. Here’s why: a lot of principles in marketing are counter-intuitive to non-marketeers. Let’s look at just one. The BIG LOGO struggle We still see clients asking for a…
All posts in Art of Simplicity
Keep on questioning. Do not assume.
One of the most stunning things we encounter when we run workshops about strategy, is the confidence managers usually have with respect to knowing their customers well. When we confront them with questions such as “how do you know this is exactly what your customers want”, “how do you know this is the way to…
Simplicity is not rocket science. You only need to have a plan
Your product or service may be complex or hard to build. That’s why at the basis you have a complex story to tell. But what people buy from you must make their lives easier. That’s why you need to listen carefully and simplify your message. At, we offer a simplification trail to transform your…
Everyone designer, everyone marketeer !
Since last Saturday, the nameplate at the top of the Montreal airport terminal shines in alternating red, white and blue. And to underline the importance of ice hockey, the O has been stuffed with the “Canadiens” hockey logo. Gohabsgo ! It is an internal idea, they say. Yes, I can see that from a distance.…
Competition: forget about the usual suspects !
When we talk to CEO’s and marketing & sales directors about competition, we often feel they are most worried about their closest competitors. Competitors that do exactly the same stuff as they do. Virtually every company gathers loads of information on direct competitors. At first sight, there is nothing wrong with that. Following up on what…
Every page is a “homepage”
Web Analytics are great, they produce a lot of valuable data. But what you really need are actionable insights in what brings people to your site. What you need to know is what drives conversations, what motivates people to stay on your site, what makes them come back, or what tells them to leave or…
Waarom Kito Electrabel niet kan redden
Mijn column zoals verschenen in De Tijd van 26 maart 2014. Kito, de grappige energieverspillende hond van Electrabel, is weer helemaal terug. Kito die feestjes bouwt als de kat (lees: het baasje) van huis is, en daarvoor naar hartelust allerlei energievretende toestellen aanspreekt. Onlangs werd hij de trotse papa van vijf schattige puppy’s, wat hem…
The message is simple
My desk companion made me smile yesterday. His name? Sempé, the calendar version. I adore Sempé for his simple and subtle way of bringing messages across. This time: showing danger situations… some a bit more dangerous than others. Make it real Make things real to get people’s attention. Communicate in their language if you want…
Rebranding, why would you?
A company’s reason to rebrand can be just anything ranging from wanting to have a fancier name or a modern look, to feeling they’d like to be a little more of this or that. Just like x, y or z… (read competitors), they want to see to it that …. (read they want exactly the…
The end of traditional marketing
We stopped doing marketing. We didn’t stop just now ; we stopped already a while ago. Because marketing the way we know it, is no longer relevant. The 4Ps are no longer a big help because they tell you to promote products to people at a set price at the places you pick. And that…