What is “normal” for the spider is chaos for the fly

What is “normal” for the spider is chaos for the fly

After an unusual number of cancelled flights, hotel reservations, concerts, events, parties and dinners, I gradually started hoping someone was going to cancel 2020 altogether. But nobody did so far! It looks like we will have to accept 2020 as the year in which a few things changed drastically. And “a few” is a serious…

Let’s prepare for something completely new. Forget exit strategies, think ENTRY strategies.

Let’s prepare for something completely new. Forget exit strategies, think ENTRY strategies.

We are entering a completely new world, a world that will be different from everything we have seen and experienced so far. Covid-19 has forever changed the world as we knew it. The new times will be exciting and difficult at the same time, because we are lacking experience in how to face and adapt…

Niksen, the art of doing nothing

Niksen, the art of doing nothing

Not many Dutch words make it to the list of internationally widespread terms. The most well known are probably “Afrikaans” and “Apartheid”. But now there is also a new lifestyle concept that is trending these days. It is called “Niksen”, the noble art of doing absolutely nothing ! In my native language “Niksen” literally means…