Let’s prepare for something completely new. Forget exit strategies, think ENTRY strategies.

Let’s prepare for something completely new. Forget exit strategies, think ENTRY strategies.

We are entering a completely new world, a world that will be different from everything we have seen and experienced so far. Covid-19 has forever changed the world as we knew it. The new times will be exciting and difficult at the same time, because we are lacking experience in how to face and adapt…

Business books we recommend

Business books we recommend

Here is a series of business books that have greatly influenced and enriched our understanding across various facets of the business landscape, including management, strategy, strategic marketing, innovation, creativity, brand management, customer loyalty, marketing communications and marketing metrics. We love these books because in one or other way, they have played a role in shaping…

“It’s not what you think it is”

“It’s not what you think it is”

Marketing is no longer about telling the world how great your products and services are. Marketing is not what you think it is.It is more counter-intuitive than you think.  “People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole.” said the legendarey Harvard marketing professor Theodore Levitt. And actually, we do not…

Competition: forget about the usual suspects !

When we talk to CEO’s and marketing & sales directors about competition, we often feel they are most worried about their closest competitors. Competitors that do exactly the same stuff as they do. Virtually every company gathers loads of information on direct competitors. At first sight, there is nothing wrong with that. Following up on what…