We hope you are at home and doing fine in these difficult times of lockdown and quarantaine. Today, things do not longer go according to plan. Countries are closing, cities and villages look empty. Many businesses are reaching a critical point. The good times seem far away. We could conclude: it is beyond our own…
All posts tagged storytelling
2014: stop “storytelling”, start “storywalking”
Stories are meant to make an emotional connection with your audience. However, you cannot do so by telling people how great or special your company is. Interesting stories are always about people in the first place. Great stories focus on the future and on what is important to the hearer. They pull people into a dialogue… and are…
Ladies first
“Pinterest, da’s niets voor mij”, lachte een klant me onlangs toe tijdens onze werklunch op een zonnig terras langs de Leie. Hij was tot de conclusie gekomen dat het een vrouwenaangelegenheid is, want “zie je” zei hij, “meer dan 80% van de gebruikers zijn vrouwen”. Bovendien zat ie binnen zijn bedrijf al met LinkedIn, Facebook,…